Cecilia Malmström
Cecilia Malmström
Erik Ullenhag
Seminar with Erik Ullenhag with the topic: ‘The Refugee Settlement - What does it mean?
Erik Ullenhag
Seminar with Erik Ullenhag with the topic: ‘The Refugee Settlement - What does it mean?
BP boardmeeting
Stefan Löfven
Seminar with prime minister of Sweden: Stefan Löfven.
Stefan Löfven
Stefan Löfven with members of Brännpunkt Europa.
Harvey B. Feigenbaum
Adam Cwejman
Seminar with Adam Cwejman about Poland and the media's constraints and censoring occurring there.
Michelle Cini
Seminar with Michelle Cini about Brexit.
Michelle Cini
Seminar with Michelle Cini about Brexit.
European Responses to the ongoing Refugee crisis
Seminar about the European Responses to the ongoing Refugee crisis with Andrea Spehar and Alexandra Bouisou.
Poland & Europe - A constitutional crisis?
Seminar about the current political situation in Poland after the election in 2015 in connection with the criticism the country received from the EU. Lecturer: Mr Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz, former prime minister in Poland and Peter Johnsson, senior foreign correspondent in Poland.
Poland & Europe - A constitutional crisis?
Brännpunkt Europa with Former prime minister of Poland: Mr Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz and Peter Johnsson, senior foreign correspondent in Poland.
Poland & Europe - A constitutional crisis?
Jessica Goodkind
Seminar during Brännpunkt Europa’s US election night 2016. Jessica Goodkind on the topic: ‘Election 2016: Life on the ground in the US’.
Guri Rosén
Seminar about “Challenges of EU Trade Policy?” with Dr. Guri Rosén from the University of Oslo.
Guri Rosén
From the left: Rebecca Timm (BP chair), Guri Rosén and Niklas Lönn (BP vice chair).
Allan Widman
Allan Widman, chairman of the defense committee, talks about European defense policy.
Asaf Segev
Mr Asaf Segev, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Israel to Sweden, visited Brännpunkt Europa to talk about Israeli politics and the state of play in the Middle East.
Cecilia Malmström
Seminar with the EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström on the topic of “Building Bridges Not Walls: European Trade Policy in an era of increased protectionism”. In the picture: Cecilia Malmström and Brännpunkt Europa Chair Rebecca Timm.
Populism & Elections in Europe
Seminar about Populism and Electoral Performance in contemporary Europe with Jonathan Polk and Mats Ekström from the University of Gothenburg.
Populism & Elections in Europe
Brännpunkt members with Jonathan Polk and Mats Ekström.
David Bearfield
Lunch seminar with David Bearfield, head of EPSO (the European Communities Personnel Selection Office) on the topic: Career opportunities within the institutions of the European Union.
David Bearfield
Lunch seminar with David Bearfield, head of EPSO (the European Communities Personnel Selection Office) on the topic: Career opportunities within the institutions of the European Union.
David Bearfield
Lunch seminar with David Bearfield, head of EPSO (the European Communities Personnel Selection Office) on the topic: Career opportunities within the institutions of the European Union.
Susanne Lindahl
An interesting afternoon seminar on the topic of “European transport policy: Big changes ahead - How will they impact your life?” with Ms Susanne Lindahl from the Directorate General for Mobility and Transport at the European Commission.
'Trust in Europe in the wake of crises'
Brännpunkt Europa’s member Felicia moderated the discussion at CERGU’s seminar about 'Trust in Europe in the wake of crises' that was part of the International Science Festival in Gothenburg 2017.
Dr. Gerlinde Niehus
May 9, 2017 was Brännpunkt 5 year anniversary so we had an event with several interesting seminars to celebrate. On the picture is a Skype Lecture with Dr. Gerlinde Niehus, Head of Engagement Section at PDD at NATO, about NATO’s role in Europe.
Alexandra Bousiou
May 9, 2017 was Brännpunkt 5 year anniversary so we had an event with several interesting seminars to celebrate. On the picture is Alexandra Bousiou, postdoctoral student at the University of Gothenburg, talking about ‘Migration or refugee “crisis” in Europe or in the borders?’.
Dr. Oksana Shmulyar Gréen
May 9, 2017 was Brännpunkt 5 year anniversary so we had an event with several interesting seminars to celebrate. On the picture is Dr. Oksana Shmulyar Gréen, senior lecturer and researcher at the University of Gothenburg, talking about the Maidan/Ukrainian revolution.
Mr. Mirzad Shahzad Akbar
May 9, 2017 was Brännpunkt 5 year anniversary so we had an event with several interesting seminars to celebrate. On the picture is Mr. Mirzad Shahzad Akbar, Barrister at Lincoln’s Inn, founder of the Foundation for Fundamental Rights (FFR) in Islamabad. The topic was ‘Beyond Europe: Pakistan From Above & Below’.
New chair and vice chair at Brännpunkt Europa for HT18 !
From the left: Niklas Lönn (former vice), Clara Lundén (new chair), Felicia Vargas (new vice) and Rebecca Timm (former chair).
Ann Linde
Seminar about the situation of the EU with Ann Linde, Minister for European Union Affairs and Trade for Löfven Cabinet. Date: 26 sep 2017.
Cecilia Malmström
Seminar with the EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström on the topic “Wind in the sails for the EU again”. Date 19 Oct 2017.
Ann Linde
Seminar about the situation of the EU with Ann Linde, Minister for European Union Affairs and Trade for Löfven Cabinet. Date: 26 sep 2017.
Cecilia Malmström with members of Brännpunkt Europa.
Christina Rundcrantz: French and Swedish Business culture
Lunch seminar with Christina Rundcrantz, trainer and consultant in intercultural Leadership for BBi Communication. The seminar was about French and Swedish business culture and how to avoid culture clashes.
John D. Stephens
‘Top Income Shares: Political and Economic Determinants’- Keynote Speech by Professor John D. Stephens, distinguished Professor of Political Science and Sociology; Director, Center for European Studies, European Union Center of Excellence, and Trans-Atlantic Masters program.
John D. Stephens
‘Top Income Shares: Political and Economic Determinants’- Keynote Speech by Professor John D. Stephens, distinguished Professor of Political Science and Sociology; Director, Center for European Studies, European Union Center of Excellence, and Trans-Atlantic Masters program.
Panel discussion: Social summit for Fair Jobs and Growth 2017
Panel discussion on the Social summit for Fair Jobs and Growth in Gothenburg 2017. Brännpunkt Europa in cooperation with Europe Direct. Date: 17 nov 2017
Panel discussion: Social summit for Fair Jobs and Growth 2017
Fika at the Panel discussion on the Social summit for Fair Jobs and Growth in Gothenburg 2017. Brännpunkt Europa in cooperation with Europe Direct. Date: 17 nov 2017.
Panel discussion: Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth 2017
Panel discussion on the Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth in Gothenburg 2017. Brännpunkt Europa in cooperation with Europe Direct. Date: Nov 17, 2017
Panel discussion on the Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth in Gothenburg 2017. Focal point Europe in cooperation with Europe Direct. Date: Nov 17, 2017
Panel discussion on the Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth in Gothenburg 2017. Brännpunkt Europa in cooperation with Europe Direct. Date: Nov 17, 2017
Panel discussion: Social summit for Fair Jobs and Growth 2017
From the left: Clara Lunden (Chair of Brännpunkt Europa), Fredrick Federley (C), Malin Björk (V), Max Andersson (MP), Soraya Post (Fi), David Josefsson (M) och Olle Ludvigsson (S).
Panel discussion: Social summit for Fair Jobs and Growth 2017
Panel discussion on the Social summit for Fair Jobs and Growth in Gothenburg 2017. Brännpunkt Europa in cooperation with Europe Direct. Date: 17 nov 2017
Panel discussion: Social summit for Fair Jobs and Growth 2017
From the left: Fredrick Federley (C), Malin Björk (V), Max Andersson (MP), Soraya Post (Fi), David Josefsson (M) och Olle Ludvigsson (S).
Panel discussion: Social summit for Fair Jobs and Growth 2017
Brännpunkt Europa Vice Chair and Chair: Felicia Vargas and Clara Lundén.
Brännpunkt members at the EU Social Summit
10 of our members had the opportunity to sit in during the Social Summit in Gothenburg 17 Nov 2017. Here they are with the President of France, Emmanuel Macron.
Metoo: What happens next?
Seminar about the Metoo movement and how the EU works with women and equality issues with Soraya Post, Swedish politician (Fi) and MEP. Date: 21 January 2018.
Metoo: What happens next?
Vice Chair of BP Felicia Vargas and Soraya Post.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Visiting Business Europe in Brussels
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Visiting Business Europe at Brussels.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Visiting Business Europe at Brussels.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Visiting Business Europe at Brussels. Brännpunkt members together with Patrick Grant, Adviser Internal Market Department.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
At the European Comission.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
At the European Commission.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
At the European Commission.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
At the European Commission. Kostis Sakelllaris, Directorate-General for Climate Action.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
At the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Meeting at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Meeting at the Brussels based United Nations Regional Information Centre (UNRIC).
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Meeting at the Brussels based United Nations Regional Information Centre (UNRIC).
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Meeting at the Brussels based United Nations Regional Information Centre (UNRIC).
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Meeting at the European Parliament Hemicycle.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Meeting at the European Parliament Hemicycle. To the left, Annabelle, member of BP and main responsible for planning the Brussel trip.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
At the European Parliament.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
At the European Parliament.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
At the European Parliament.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
At the European Parliament.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Group picture at the European Parliament.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
At the European Council.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
At the European Council. Katharina, member of BP and the fotographer during the trip.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Henrik and Stefan at the European Council.
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Ramina at the European Council
Brännpunkt Europa goes Brussels!
Meeting at the European Council.
Brännpunkt Europa boardmeeting
Brännpunkt Europa boardmeeting
Eurosceptisism and the Media
Seminar with Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, political scientist working within the field of European Studies, about Eurosceptisism and the role of the Media.
Anamaria Dutceac Segesten
Seminar with Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, political scientist working within the field of European Studies, about Eurosceptisism and the role of the Media.
Anamaria Dutceac Segesten
Seminar with Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, political scientist working within the field of European Studies, about Eurosceptisism and the role of the Media. From the left: Felicia, Jennifer, Simon, Anamaria and Clara.
Brexit - Whats happens next?
Two of Brännpunkts members, Clara and Simon, were part of a seminar about Brexit at the International Science Festival in Gothenburg.
Brexit- What happend next?
Two of Brännpunkts members, Clara and Simon, were part of a seminar about Brexit at the International Science Festival in Gothenburg 2018. From the left: Clara Lundén, Andreas Moberg, Simon Källgren, Jakob Heidbrink and Linda Berg.
Visa-free travels for Ukrainians within the EU
Bännpunkt Europas seminar on the topic: ‘Visa-free travels for Ukrainians within the EU. What to expect: emigration or mobility?’ with lecturer Oksana Shmulyar Gréen.
Visa-free travels for Ukrainians within the EU
Bännpunkt Europas seminar on the topic: ‘Visa-free travels for Ukrainians within the EU. What to expect: emigration or mobility?’ with lecturer Oksana Shmulyar Gréen.
The situation of Romani people in Europe
Seminar with Soraya Post, F! politician and MEP, about the situation of the romani people in Europe and how she works with this issue at the European Parliament.
Soraya Post
Seminar with Soraya Post, F! politician and MEP, about the situation of the romani people in Europe and how she works with this issue at the European Parliament. From the left: Zeynep Dilek, Johanna Winqvist, Soraya Post and Felicia Vargas.
Politiksamtal: Vilken värld vill du leva i?
Politiksamtal med fokus på mänskliga rättigheter, demokrati och det kommande valet i Sverige 2018. Anordnat av Brännpunkt Europa och studenter från statsvetenskapliga institutionen i samarbete med Diakonia och Studieförbundet Bilda. Medverkande på bild från vänster: Aylin Fazelian (S), Rebar Alnazar (V), David Josefsson (M), Sara Hugosson (Diakonia) och Aisha Hassan (Moderator).
Politiksamtal: Vilken värld vill du leva i?
Två av ambassadörerna för politiksamtalet från statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Nathalie och Jenny samt Felicia och Clara från Brännpunkt Europa.